Useful French words - clothes

Saturday, March 28, 2009 | |

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The following are some of the common French words you need to learn (clothes), they are useful in certain situations such as shopping, etc..
So, here we go:

chapeau : a hat

Jupe : skirt

chemise : shirt

cravate : tie

veston : jacket

montre : watch

ceinture : belt

pantalon : pants

chaussette : sock

chaussures : shoes

boucle d’oreilles : earrings

collier : necklace

chemisier : blouse

bracelet : bracelet

manteau : mantle

gant : glove

Porte monnaie : purse

robe : dress

pull : pull

Botte : boot

Lunettes : Glasses

Parapluie : Umbrella

Cartable : bag

These were the most used French words for clothes, I hope it helps you.

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